Calculate your actual factoring rate
Actual factoring rate calculator
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Does your current Factor charge you back for your load if they do not get paid after a number of days? Please complete this required field.
Results: Your actual factoring rate
You are currently paying an above-average rate with no guarantees. If your factoring company fails to collect as few as one of your loads, your actual rate could skyrocket! You are at a disadvantage towards your competitors, and your costs may be eating up your income. Your growth potential is low, and your business could be at risk.
The good news is we can help you turn it around. We can improve your growth potential with our unbeatable Credit Guarantee, which will protect your income from non-payment, our complimentary access to Load-tech TMS, and the best service in the industry. We believe funding your growth should be easy and simple, and we are ready to help!
You are currently paying an above-average rate, but it's non-recourse, so you are on the safe side. Your current factoring company must be transparent with you about their chargebacks policy. Ask them what happens after 90 days if they fail to collect? And avoid unpleasant surprises. Your growth potential is low and depends too much on the answer your current company gives you to this critical question.
Our answer to the question is simple and straight-forward: we will never charge you back for reasons out of your control! Our rates are also straight-forward, so stop overpaying for factoring and unleash your growth potential with the industry's best service. Call us! And don't forget to ask about our complimentary access to Load-tech TMS.
You are currently paying a below-average rate with no guarantees. You might be saving money now, but keep in mind: if your factoring company fails to collect as few as one of your loads, your actual rate could rise to the point it becomes above average! Also, you could be receiving a below-average service as well. Your growth potential is high, but so are the risks you are taking.
You can do better with Summar.We are ready to help you grow the safe, easy way with our unbeatable Credit Guarantee, which will better protect your income from non - payment, our complimentary access to Load - tech TMS, and the best service in the industry.
You are currently paying a below-average rate for non-recourse factoring. This is definitely the formula for long-term success and peace of mind. Are you also receiving above and beyond service, up to 50% fuel advances, a great fuel savings card offering, and complimentary access to a TMS? If not, you should call us! Your growth potential is high, and we can help you fulfill it.
Your rate is right on average, but if your factor charges you back for as few as one of your loads, it can skyrocket! That puts you in a risky position of potential disadvantage towards your competitors. Your growth potential is average, and your business could be at risk.
The good news is we can help you turn it around. We are ready to improve your growth potential with our unbeatable Credit Guarantee, which will better protect your income from non-payment, our complimentary access to Load-tech TMS, and the best service in the industry.
Your rate is right on average, and if your factor does not charge you back for unpaid loads, you are on the safe side. But does your factor give you tools to haul more loads and improve your rate over time? Your growth potential is average, which means you are most likely to stay the same.
Together we can turn this around!We are ready to improve your growth potential with our unbeatable Credit Guarantee, which means less risk and more coverage than non - recourse factoring, complimentary access to Load - tech TMS, and the best service in the industry.
Your rate is high, and your factor charges you back for un-paid loads, a bad combination that can cause your rate to go far above average! It puts you in a risky position of potential disadvantage towards your competitors. Your growth potential is average, and your business could be at risk.
The good news is we can help you turn it around.For a 5 % rate, we can offer you lots of benefits, such as no contracts, no minimums, no permanence clauses and the unbeatable protection of our Credit Guarantee, our complimentary access to Load - tech TMS, and the best service in the industry.
Your rate is high, which probably means you have a small operation. If this non-recourse rate does not come with perks, benefits, and tools to haul more loads and improve your rate over time, your growth potential is average, which means you will most likely stay the same.
We can help you turn it around. For a 5% rate, we can offer you lots of benefits with no minimums and no permanence clauses. Our Credit Guarantee's unbeatable protection means less risk and more coverage than with non-recourse factoring, our complimentary access to Load-tech TMS, and the best service in the industry
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